"suri is a fruit loop in a world of cheerios."
hehee. yer darn tootin' she is!
miss out on a week with suri and you miss out on A LOT.
just this past week:
- sunday: we realized suri knew how to wave bye-bye on cue. i was a proud mama. (still clapping too - even when she's crying. LOL.)
- monday: suri moved from the little baby room to the "big girl" baby room at daycare. they are mobile in there and she is learning by leaps and bounds already.
- tuesday: suri is a master at rolling over - before she would cry bloody murder after two minutes of tummy time!
- today: suri is skyping.
here she is skyping with my mom and grandma.
she sat so still when her great-grandma got on the screen.
i think she liked her glasses.
and probably recognized her voice.
seriously melts my heart.
and, of course, her grandpa got in on the action.
no, that's not a thai movie star, that's my dad. LMAO!
(he calls it "sky cam".)
i gotta say, i've been quite impressed by how tech-savvy
my dad's been with his new laptop.
suri's absolute favorite food right now are superpuffs.
she cannot get enough of them!
they come in various flavors.
the super purples are blueberry and purple sweet potato.
super greens are spinach and apple.
super reds are beet and strawberry.
i tasted some - they are delicious!
here she is being a good sport while we force her to
try on a two-piece swimsuit.
she has so much fun splish-splashing at bathtime.
(btw, it was a bit snug and i ended up taking it back.)
she got it for easter from her grandma.
when you push the belly, kids sing:
"reeses give me some, reeses want one now."
nestle, you are geniuses.
i'm very proud of this because i hope to
instill in her the love of reading.
next week, she turns 10 months!
time just flies.
i'm guessing that any day now, she'll decide she wants to crawl.
my baby girl, you are definitely a fruit loop.